Friday, May 21, 2004

America and Europe

I'm struck by the intensity of the anti-European feeling over at Little Green Footballs. Having visited there for a few months, and posted now and then, I got the impression that even if there wasn't a regular European presence there, there were at least some posters from the U.K. who put in an appearance from time to time - but even the U.K. contingent seems to have thinned out of late. The contributions of one poster, apparently in the United States, who advocates the "Samson option" for Israel - i.e. Israel should attack Europe with nuclear weapons, destroying it - have made considerable inroads at lgf, where this view now apparently has the support of the majority of posters. Those of us in Europe and Britain who support Israel's cause have difficulty in accepting this extreme prescription, but those who protest are in general shouted down. To someone with experience of Cold War propaganda techniques, the "Samson option" postings at lgf look like a provocation, and an attempt to divide Europe from the U.S., in blogging terms at least.

I think this is cause for reflection and concern. On the face of it, it seems incredible that so many apparently intelligent Americans sincerely believe that Europe should be annihilated. Yet lgf is a serious site, with serious contributors...

1 comment:

  1. Promethea and Jheka,

    Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry you are so disappointed, Promethea. All I can say is that my reaction to Bigel's posts - and Jheka, to what seems to me - after all, I can only go on my own perceptions - to be a general encouragement of them at LGF - has been one of perplexity and concern. I think that this reaction is shared by other UK LGFers I have talked to. I know that JohninLondon shares my view. For one thing, I don't think Bigel always posts under the same nic - I'm equally concerned by other apparently anonymous posts that seek to tar all Europeans and British people with the brush of antisemitism: one poster, writing in a decidely Bigel-like style on the Estonian thread, even started to talk about "the rotting corpse of Europe". Such Europhobia is almost racist in itself.

    I just don't think this kind of talk adds very much to the general tone of the debate in the comments section of LGF - and Promethea, I feel disappointed by it, for I think Charles has a created a great and important forum for discussion of very difficult international issues, and it's a shame to see it spoiled in this way.

    My own assessment of Bigel is that he actually represents the opposite of the opinions and positions he claims to hold, and is merely acting intentionally to exacerbate the tensions and divisions between Americans and Europeans that unfortunately already exist in the world today.

    All the best,

