Monday, June 21, 2004

Spirit and Truth

It's been a busy weekend music-wise, with rehearsals and the concert on Saturday evening at the Albany Theatre, Deptford, where Vox Simba shared the bill with the Noisetttes, Blow Crazy and the Carol Grimes Band. Vox Simba sang well, and gave a particularly strong account, with the band, of the Trinitee 5:7 gospel blues "Oh Mary Don't You Weep", with powerful and moving solos from Nefertiti and Amanda. The audience response was enthusiastic, and numbers were encouraging - with the closing of the Vortex club, it seems that there's a now a part of the roving audience for jazz and gospel that's in search of a new home.

Now the choir is getting ready to participate - with another programme of soul, gospel, and reggae - in next Sunday's charity fundraising concert at the Commonwealth Institute, Kensington, which will be hosted by Juliet Alexander. June 27, 7.30pm to 9pm at the Commonwealth Events Centre at the Commonwealth Institute, Kensington High Street, London W8 6NQ (020 7603 4535).

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