Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Anatomy Of An Apologia

Important articles from normblog and Harry's Place, discussing the full implications of U.K. Socialist Workers' Party leader Lindsey German's admission in the Guardian newspaper that her party aligns itself with the Islamic extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood. She writes:

Events have propelled British Muslims into political activity, especially around the anti-war movement. The continuing plight of the Palestinians, the imprisonment of Muslims without human rights in Guantánamo Bay and Belmarsh prison and the terrorism laws have all fuelled a new politicisation... It should be a badge of honour to those of us on the left that a group of people who face discrimination and victimisation should look to organisations like Stop the War Coalition to help defend them - and that the overwhelming majority of those so politicised do not turn to fundamentalist groups but to socialists, trade unionists and peace campaigners.

The distortions and misleading analogies that characterize German's arguments are fully dissected in the articles by Norm and Harry.

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