Saturday, July 24, 2004

Coming Back

Just a note to say that after a week of intensive music-making and study, I'm getting back to normal here. The course was even better attended than last year's, and the string ensemble was proportionately larger and stronger. I'll discuss the course a bit later, but for now just want to record that I really had a great time, and would urge those involved in jazz education to check out this annual week of classes, seminars and workshops - it is unique in offering a planned and well-coordinated overview of the whole field of jazz, rock and studio music, and can give valuable guidelines for future work and study. I know that last year's five-day course helped me to pinpoint the areas I needed to work on, and this year's course has further clarified the picture for me.

The Advanced Weekend continues today and Sunday.

See the Guildhall Summer School website at this URL

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