Friday, September 17, 2004

Basayev - II

From the Kavkaz-Tsentr website - a site heavily hacked by FSB - a declaration from Basayev claiming responsibility for Beslan:

Update 18 September: the Kavkaz-Tsentr site has been temporarily closed down by the Lithuanian authorities, pending a judicial inquiry. The Lithuanian ambassador in Moscow was summoned to the Russian foreign ministry and told to stop the website's activities.

BBC reports: The Chechen rebel website is based on a server in the flat of well-known Soviet-era dissident and political prisoner Viktoras Petkus.

Mr Petkus told the Baltic News Service on Friday that the decision was "a shameful obsequiousness against another state's will".

Lithuanian authorities have been trying to shut down the site - hosted by Elneta service provider - since last year.

But the case has gone before the country's Supreme Court and a ruling is expected next year.

Reuters reported that Putin

said on Friday that the West's "patronising and indulgent attitude" to terrorism amounted to complicity, Itar-Tass news agency said.

It quoted Putin as telling an international meeting of city mayors that Western calls to negotiate with Chechen separatist rebels amounted to the failed appeasement of Nazi Germany ahead of World War Two.

"We have long warned about the threat of terrorist attacks, but our voice has not been heard," he said. "Moreover, we faced double standards in the attitude towards terrorism.

"I urge you to remember the lessons of history, the amicable deal (with Adolf Hilter) in Munich in 1938 ... Of course,the scale of consequences is different ... But the situation is very similar."

And the Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939?

The plot thickens, and the propaganda is warming up.

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