Saturday, September 11, 2004

Extradition rallies in Moscow

On the same day (September 10) that Russian nationalists demonstrated near the US embassy, demanding the extradition of Ilyas Akhmadov from the United States, according to the Interfax news agency

a rally demanding the extradition of Akhmed Zakayev was also held near the British Embassy in Moscow... Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky said at that rally: "Bring all the bandits from the British Isles to the Russian criminal justice system!" The rally had some 600 participants plus members of the LDPR Moscow office. The people, mainly young people and pensioners, were holding slogans reading "LDPR demands Zakayev's extradition!" "Blair! Don't provoke terrorism, it comes back to you!" "Blair, prove that you are against terrorism! Extradite Zakayev!"

It's clear that Putin's fascist "fringe" is moving closer to the centres of power and authority in Russia.

Another rally was scheduled for 3pm today.

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