Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Conquest

Spain was the defender of the Faith and her soldiers were soldiers of Christ. This circumstance did not prevent the Emperor and his successors from carrying on such heated disputes with the Papacy that the Council of Trent could not completely settle them. Spain was still a medieval nation, and many of the institutions she brought to the New World, like many of the men who established them, were also medieval. At the same time, the discovery and conquest of America was a Renaissance undertaking. Therefore Spain also participated in the Renaissance, although it is sometimes thought that her overseas conquests - the result of Renaissance science and technology, even Renaissance dreams and utopias - did not form a part of that historical development.

- Octavio Paz, in The Labyrinth of Solitude

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:15 am

    "Therefore Spain also participated in the Renaissance".


    And, by the way, today's Spain (linkage to Latin America; special historically based savvy in regard to Maghreb) should be taken much more seriously than many do, also in the European picture. Never mind the current squabble with the USA. History is longer than that...

