Friday, October 15, 2004


A result of the preparatory work done by the actor Bruno Ganz for his role as Hitler in the new film Downfall, a Finnish tape-recording of 18 minutes of a conversation between Hitler and Finland's General Carl Gustaf Mannerheim at Mannerheim's birthday party, made by YLE sound engineer Thor Damen in 1942, has received new publicity. Lasse Vihonen of YLE's sound archives has been filling in some of the details:

Unbeknownst to both the Finnish marshal and Hitler, Damen continued to tape their private conversation after the official part of the program was over, Vihonen said.

"When the German security officers found out, it really became a scene, with them threatening to kill Damen and ordering him to destroy the tape," he said.

"YLE was however allowed to keep the reel after promising to keep it in a sealed container," Vihonen added, pointing to a cardboard box with the remains of several red wax seals on it.

The recording, which lasts for 18 minutes, ends abruptly in mid-sentence as Hitler explains why it had been difficult to help Finland more in their common war against Stalin.

"We didn't know ourselves just how monstrous this powerful beast was," Hitler says.

"Had I known, I would have been more reluctant, but I had already made the decision then, and there would be no other possibility," he added.

The recording is to be broadcast for the first time by YLE on Sunday, October 17.

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