Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Kavkaz Center Director's Son Shot?

On the website of the Finland-Chechnya Society, an appeal from Kavkaz Center, whose website closed again on Monday, after being hosted for a few days on a Finnish webserver:

The son of the director of Kavkaz has been shot and is in a critical condition (received via an intermediary)

We are desperate. If you can please inform local mass-media or anyone who can do it about this message:

On Monday, October 11th, there has been an assault made by unknown criminals on the son of director general of Kavkaz-Center news agency Visami Tutuyev. As a result son of Tutuyev was very badly injured and now is in one of the hospitals of Baku (Azerbaijan) in unconscious state. Medics said that his state of health is critical.

After renewal of website's work Visami Tutuyev himself has got under unexampled psychological pressure from the side of georgian authoritites.

Editorial of "Kavkaz-Center" declares that this terrorist attack against family of Tutuyev has direct connection with the recent threats from Moscow and personally Putin towards chechen representatives abroad.

"Kavkaz-Center" calls upon international human rights and journalistic organizations to interfere without delay in the fate of director general Visami Tutuyev and his family and to protect them.

Via Chechnya-SL

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