Sunday, October 24, 2004

Novodvorskaya on Chechnya

In September New Times published an article by the former Soviet dissident Valeria Novodvorskaya entitled "Revenge Before The Day Of Judgement". It began:

The problem of Chechnya can have no resolution in the existing reality. The Chechens had the bad luck to emerge in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, as a matter of fact, nobody needed that small piece of rock and drop of oil.

Old Russia was on the way to rich and fertile Transcaucasia, and for 200 years burned, shot, humiliated and destroyed that strategic patch of geopolitics in its path.

Soviet Russia took revenge on the local population for not kowtowing and for their self-esteem.

Yeltsin's Russia took revenge on that tiny dissident speck for having lost forever the large and fat pieces of the empire which were gone without compensation and with impunity.

At the expense of that graveyard and ruins, Putin's Russia has been resolving its problem of consolidating the majority by resorting to common hatred and the blood bonds of the common imperial inferiority complex.

The rest of the article can be read here.

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