Sunday, November 28, 2004

"Don't Believe It!"

Vitaliy Dovhych, writing in Maidan:

Tonight Russian TV channel TVC, obedient to Moscow Mayor Luzhkov, cited Western treacheries as reason for Ukrainian political crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people that spend their days on Maidan, Kyiv’s main Independence Square, people that come here for hours in a row, that walk in Khreshchatyk in unbelievable jams, - that, by the appraisal of the program “Post scriptum”, is a “well-organized crowd”. Anything but a people conscious of its own self-respect.

Moreover, TVC is giving voice to the crisis deepening scenario desirable for Russian authorities – scenario that implies interference in Ukrainian internal affairs: “We shouldn’t shy away from it – even at the cost of our friendship with EU and USA, even at the cost of Ukraine’s territorial integrity”.

And where is Russia’s intelligentsia? What is its civic stand? Where are the demands that media provide well-balanced information?

So far we only hear from some lone voices of Moscow’s, St. Petersburg’s and Sochi’s intellectual elite.

Read the rest.

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