Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The "East-West Split"

With regard to the "East-West split" scenario which is being so energetically played by the Kremlin, it now seems that Germany is getting in on the act, with Alexander Rahr rallying to the cause:

2004-11-30 17:49

MOSCOW, November 30 (RIA Novosti) - In its raging political crisis, Ukraine may split into East and West, warns Alexander Rahr, director of Russian and CIS programmes at Germany's Foreign Political Council. He analyses the option in a contribution to the Nezavisimaya Gazeta, influential Moscow-based daily.

The dire prospect threatens to drive in a wedge between Russia and the West. East Ukraine may repeat the patterns of Transdniestria, unrecognised republic in Moldova, or else develop quasi-statehood on a par with Abkhazia, Georgia's self-proclaimed republic. Such countries are a kind of black holes-they are established economic entities, even though the world has not recognised them. If Ukraine receives such a black hole in its east, the new state will largely depend on Russia. West Ukraine will lose economic support of the country's industrial part, the impending split to rob it of money and resources that have always flooded in from east. If that becomes true, West Ukraine, doomed to weakness, will have to sponge on the European Union and the USA.

If you read Russian, you can catch up on Rahr's article here.

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