Sunday, November 21, 2004


Harry'a Place has a feature on a pro-Saddam website run by something calling itself the National-European Communitarian Party. Interestingly, the site has a link to another organization called , rather weirdly, the "Congress of International Eurasian Movement", part of whose manifesto says:

In Western Europe, all governments, all politicians are submitted to Washington.

The time is far away when the great General De Gaulle lived. France has joined NATO.

Only Russia, even though it has been divided since 1991, even though it has weakened, still has the demographic, geographic and human resources to give Europe an alternative to the « New World Order ». For Russia, just as before when it was called the Soviet Union, is the last free and independent country in Europe.

We believe in the Russian mission in Europe in the twenty-first century.

But, even though we stand on your side for logical reasons, which are these of all European patriots, we are also Eurasists for ideological reasons. Because the Russian mission in Europe is not only political ; it is social, as Nicholas Berdiaev stated : « The mission of the Russian people is to carry out social justice within the human society, not only in Russia, but throughout the world », he wrote.

But men do not live out of ideas, they also need a dream. And the heart has to answer the brain. We are also Eurasists because we share your dream, always revisited since the fall of Constantinople, the second Rome. Yes, your dream is also our dream.

For the Europe we fight for, the great and free Europe, from Vladivostok to Reykjavik, will indeed be the fourth Rome !

Facing new-Carthage like America, the European Empire can only be a new Rome.

With Moscow as a capital. Why not !

Why not? Well, one can think of more than a few reasons.

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