Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Russia "dislikes" web page

According to Kavkaz Center
Russia expressed on Monday their disapproval of the fact that the controversial Chechen web page started to use a Swedish server during the weekend. Johan Molander, who is recently appointed Swedish ambassador, was invited to the Foreign Ministry where a high official expressed the "concerns" of the Russian side because of this matter. Anyway, the discussion climate was described as friendly.

The Swedish ambassador promised to put the message forward to Stockholm, but he also pointed out that the Swedish government is prohibited by law to interfere in affairs that shall be solved by legal instances. It's a task of the legal instances to judge if the content of a web site is illegal.

- If somebody thinks that the web site has illegal content, then he has to go to the prosecutor, says Elisabeth Stam, the legation counselor at the Embassy in Moscow.

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