Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Tihipko To Run For President?

RIAN again, this time with a story that begins:
004-11-30 09:53

KIEV, November 30. (RIA Novosti) - Sergei Tigipko, ex-chief of Viktor Yanukovich's campaign team and leader of the Labor Ukraine party does not rule out that in case of repeat elections he may run for presidency, he said on Monday in an interview with Novosti Ukraine.

He may run "if the parliament votes [for repeat election] and the party [Labor Ukraine] makes a corresponding decision," he said.

When asked about the outlook for overcoming the political crisis in the country, he replied, "We simply must overcome the divide in the society."

"We must look for a compromise and take into account mutual interests," he believes. At the same time, "first of all, it is necessary to diminish tension in the society."

Tigipko believes that the divide in the Ukrainian society into pro-Russian and pro-Western parts is a temporary phenomenon caused by "use of election technologies."
(via Marius)

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