Monday, November 08, 2004

Ukrainian Election - II

Anastasia Bezverkha
Civic Campaign PORA

To: Domestic & Foreign News Agencies

6 November 2004 Kyiv, Ukraine

Today, the UCCA Luhansk Oblast delegation of official international election observers appointed by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) and registered by the Central Election Commission of Ukraine, filed a preliminary six-page report based on documented observations in Luhansk Oblast. The delegation of observers traveled to Luhansk Oblast to report on the adherence to international election standards in its twelve electoral territories.

In brief the report states:

The UCCA Luhansk Oblast delegation has concluded that the elections in the areas under observation were not universal, fair, secret, free or transparent.

The delegation had occasion to observe serious campaign irregularities both in the pre-election period and on election day. In the main, these irregularities can be characterized as the 'absence of a level playing field' that would help ensure fair elections. Many of these reflect preferential treatment based on an abuse of state or administrative authority. Others are a violation of Ukraine's Criminal Code. Also, in our opinion, many Precinct Election Commissions (PEC) and Territorial Election Commissions (TEC) committed violations ranging from relatively minor administrative errors to major infractions of Ukraine's Election Law.

The violations documented by the UCCA Luhansk Oblast delegation include: a) Bribery, Intimidation or Harassment of Voters and Campaign Workers; b) Voter List Violations; c) Ballot Box Violations; d) Impeding the Rights of International Observers and Media Representatives; e) Ballot and Voting Premises Violations; and f) PEC & TEC Violations (by commission members and against commission members).

Such irregularities and violations bolster the belief of Ukraine's citizens that the results of the election were pre-determined. The local electorate lacks confidence in the current system and fears repercussions if they report any threats or even minor transgressions of the Election Law.

Since there is a lack of a fair and free press in Luhansk Oblast, as in many areas of Ukraine, the UCCA Luhansk Oblast delegation recommends that both domestic and foreign news organizations initiate intensive reporting on this election in order to spread the truth and consequently discourage further election violations.

The UCCA group of officially registered election observers support Ukraine's commitment to OSCE standards for free and fair elections, that accurately reflect the will of the electorate. UCCA does not support any candidate, party or election block.

To receive a copy of the report or for further information contact:

Victoria Hubska, UCCA Kyiv Office, tel: + (380-44) 228-4580,

best regards,
Anastasia Bezverkha
Civic Campaign PORA
+38067 446 5330

(via Chris & Laura Brown)

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