Thursday, December 02, 2004

Kuchma to Putin

Kuchma to Putin: Without Russia we are lost

The following exchange between Putin and Kuchma has been published on the Maidan news site (it was originally on the site of Ukrainska Pravda):

«Dear Leonid Danylovych, I am glad that you have found it possible, in this complicated internal situation in the country, to meet me at least for a couple of minutes, to exchange opinions on the situation in Ukraine, on the perspectives of its development and on possible ways out of this very acute political crisis.

Despite the severity of the situation, you managed to keep the situation under control avoiding its extreme manifestations. Thankfully, nothing worse happened.

We are very concerned by all phenomena connected with a tendency to split the country, and we support your efforts directed on strengthening the integrity of the country. These phenomena trouble us very much, we are not indifferent to what is happening there.

According to the official census, ethnic Russians constitute 17 per cent of the population of Ukraine. In fact, they are much more numerous. This is an entirely Russian speaking country. We do not divide it into West or East, at least every second family in Ukraine has family and personal ties with Russia.

What is happening now is a serious internal process. We follow the developments in Ukraine with concern and express our support to what you are doing trying to find a way out of the crisis.

I would like to assure you that Russia will always be together with Ukraine, it will support and aid Ukraine in all efforts to stabilize the situation. We consider Ukraine a united and independent state. As you rightly noted, we have lived in one country for so many years, so in our hearts we do not divide Ukraine into North, South or West.

Whatever internal whirls may roar in the country, we hope that all parties will adhere to the legislative norms and to the Constitution in force. Once the Constitution is violated, the country may collapse.

We are ready to participate in the settlement of the situation within the limits you consider possible for us».

Kuchma to Putin:

It would be surprising if Russia remained aside from the events that are going on now in Ukraine.

Without Russia’s efforts to find a way out of the political crisis, its solution will be impossible, otherwise Ukraine risks to disgrace itself.

I don't want to be misunderstood, but Ukraine as it was before the elections now does not exist.

It has been divided. One side does not consider the point of view of the other, this policy being accomplished by a coercive, revolutionary methods without taking into account the economic consequences.

The general solution giving the possibility to settle the conflict within political and juridical limits seems to have been found yesterday. There was shaking of hands, but it is necessary to raise blockade from the governmental institutions. The government is not to blame for the actual processes. It is not the government that does not work, the problem is that the government is not given the possibility to work.

It seems that a compromise, also a legal one, has been found, still I cannot give an unambiguous answer as to the further development of events.

The most important thing is that the Supreme Court, as the highest organ, must say if the violation occurred or not. The parliament has adopted a political decision. It is quite right, we must find a political solution.

The next developments seem very simple: Supreme Court's verdict and the constitutional reform that will allow the parliament to form a government in a few days. In this case the parliament will be responsible for the situation in the country. Then a commission will consider the issue of reelections».

According to his words, there will be no revoting, since «it will be a plebiscite. I do not know a legal norm called revoting in any legislation of any country».

Maidan-Inform to the opposition leaders: do you have any other questions?

We strongly recommend to read the appeals of the Maidan site (in Ukrainian):

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