Friday, December 10, 2004

Modernism and Fascism

In the same sequence as my earlier post Post-modernism and Fascism, here's another item, this time drawn from one of the central figures of twentieth-century literary modernism:

And sometimes she wondered whether America really was the great death-continent, the great 'No' to the European and Asiatic, and even African 'Yes!' Was it really the great melting-pot, where men from the creative continents were smelted back again, not to a new creation, but down to the homogeneity of death? Was it the great continent of the undoing, and all its peoples the agents of the mystic destruction? Plucking, plucking at the created soul in a man, till at last it plucked out the growing germ, and left him a creature of mechanism and automatic reaction, with only one inspiration, the desire to pluck the quick out of every living spontaneous creature.

Was that the clue to America? she sometimes wondered. Was it the great death-continent, the continent that destroyed again what the other continents had built up? The continent whose spirit of place fought purely to pick the eyes out of the face of God? Was that America?

And all the people who went there, Europeans, Negroes, Japanese, Chinese, all the colours and the races,were they the spent people,in whom the God impulse had collapsed, so they crossed to the great continent of the negation, where the the human will declares itself 'free', to pull down the soul of the world? Was it so? And did this account for the great drift to the New World, the drift of spent souls passing over to the side of Godless democracy, energetic negation? The negation which is the life-breath of materialism. And would the great negative pull of the Americans at last break the heart of the world?

D.H.Lawrence - The Plumed Serpent

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