Thursday, December 02, 2004

The View from the Left

It's not just in Britain that the Orange Revolution has met with a cool response from parts of the left-liberal establishment (though in Britain even conservative commentators like Jenkins are less than enthusiastic). The view on events in Ukraine from the American Left:

A Russian friend once said to me, "You Americans are an odd people. You love our liberals, but you don't like your own liberals." He added, "You should support your local liberals too."


My friend's words came to mind this past week as I watched the extraordinary street protests in Ukraine. Anyone who cares about citizens fighting corrupt regimes can't help but be moved by scenes of thousands of demonstrators, many of them students, standing for hours in Kiev's Independence Square in sub-zero temperatures--waving banners, chanting and protesting what they believe is a rigged election.

When the Bush Administration rushed to celebrate the protesters' courage and tenacity, I thought--what rank hypocrisy. These same officials have shown no respect for American pro-democracy protesters, and, if they have their way, they'll probably lock their political opponents out of central Washington when Inauguration Day rolls around.

You can read the rest of the article here.
(Via Marius)

1 comment:

  1. "I'm no fan of Bush myself, but these people either have no sense of proportion or don't really know what's going on in Eastern Europe."

    It's probably both of those things. This year for the first time I've really been struck by just how far away Europe seems to be for most Americans - they really don't understand Europe, or like it very much (East or West).

    Re the left and its attitudes: I came across this the other day!
