Thursday, February 10, 2005

Peace Prize Nomination

From Eesti Ringvaade/Estonian Review Volume 15 No 5 January 31-February 6, 2005

Feb 02 - Estonian European MP Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the first Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, together with four colleagues nominated Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and the Ukrainian people for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize.

Their letter to the Nobel Foundation says that the orange revolution in Ukraine led by Yushchenko consolidated democracy and brought freedom to thousands of people. Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to the Ukrainian President would be a sign that Ukraine is becoming a modern, democratic European state, the signatories of the letter find.

They said that peaceful, consistent and successful opposition to autocracy, put up by Yushchenko and tens of thousands of Ukrainians, provided a clear signal to the world that democracy will eventually prevail over undemocratic forces.

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