Saturday, February 26, 2005

Silence on Evil is Creation of Evil

At Prague Watchdog, photos of the Prague rally in commemoration of the deportation of the Chechen people and in support of peace have now been posted.

Among the most telling slogans: "Silence on Evil is Creation of Evil".

The rally was addressed by Vaclav Havel, who said:

"I welcome and endorse your meeting to support resolving the Chechen conflict, based on respect for human dignity, liberty, and basic human rights. The only thing one can do is to continue appealing to the Russian government, stressing over and over again that they not prolong this historically deep-rooted suffering.

However, my appeal is not only directed toward the Russian representatives. I especially challenge the Czech and European politicians to take a clear stance against a government that is not resolving conflicts within its territory through political means, but with methods that no longer belong to developed countries in the 21st century."

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