Friday, February 04, 2005

Tymoshenko Is New Ukraine PM

Yulia Tymoshenko is Ukraine's new Prime Minister. Voting was:

Our Ukraine (Nasha Ukraina) faction - 99
Communists faction - 3
Regions of Ukraine (Regiony Ukrajiny) - 46
People's Agrarian Party of Ukraine faction - 33
Socialist Party of Ukraine faction – 24
Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine (united) faction - 18
United Ukraine (Yedyna Ukraina) Party faction - 22
Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc faction - 17
Democratic Ukraine group - 16
Union (Soyuz) group - 15
Freedom of the People (Volya Narodu) group - 13
Democratic Initiatives group - 14
Center (Tsentr) group – 12
Popular Democratic Party and Republic (Respublika) group faction - 9
Extrafactional MPs - 32

There were no "against" votes.

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