Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Back Burner

From an interview with Ukrainian political expert Taras Kuzmov:
What's going to happen with Kuchma?
Kuchma can feel completely safe, that's why he came back so willingly to Kyiv, after the death of Kravchenko. He can put on a show now, that he doesn't have anything to hide, that he feels innocent. I wouldn't be surprised if he gives statements in the Prosecutor's office. By the way, our politicians of the new government as well as of the opposition have begun to create new parties before the parliamentary elections that will take place in a year' time. Threfore, the case of Gongadze and Kuchma can be put on the back burner and I'm afraid that once again we won't know the truth. I hope I am not proved right. If my words are confirmed this will mean that the new government doesn't control the situation, and our revolution was a fiction.

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