Saturday, March 05, 2005


Mysterious Death of a Minister

by Piotr Kościński from Kyiv, Tatiana Serwetnyk

[passage omitted]

The Gongadze case resembles a dramatic political fight - Olekh Tsariov, deputy of the Regions Party, told Rzeczpospolita. “We could be dealing here with the purging of some traces of Gongadze's murder, “ said Mykola Zhulynsky, deputy of the center-rightist bloc Our Ukraine. “Kravchenko had many possibilities to flee abroad, “ asserted Taras Chernovil, son of the well-known dissident Vyacheslav Chernovil.

The death of Kravchenko, who was to be the main witness (and the suspect) in the Gongadze case has agitated the political elites of Ukraine. Hrigoriy Omelchenko, chairman of the parliamentariy investigative committee, who already a few days ago demanded that Kravchenko be taken into custody and put under special guard, accused the Prosecutor General, Svyatoslav Pyskun, and even, indirectly, president Viktor Yushchenko, of causing Kravchenko’s death.

”I suspect that Yushchenko has made some agreement with former president Leonid Kuchma, giving him some guarantees of security. I demand Pyskun’s dismissal. If the prosecutor keeps his job, I will acknowledge that I was right," Omelchenko told journalists.

(via Marius)

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