Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ours and Theirs

Former FSB colonel Aleksandr Litvinenko, writing at Chechenpress:
Today security officers have once again been caught sheltering war criminals from Serbia on their territory. Earlier security officers hid those who were guilty of mass execution of Polish officers in Katyn, whose murder was recognized as genocide at the Nuremberg trials. World-known terrorists such as Karlos Ilyich Ramiros, nicknamed "The Jackal", who has committed so many acts of terrorism that it would take more than one page just to list them, Vaid Haddad, the head of the terrorist groups of the PLO, the brother of the former prime minister of Pakistan Bhutto, who, following Andropov's personal instructions,hijacked airliners of the international airlines; those who blew up the Baku underground – they have all found a reliable shelter for themselves and their accomplices within the walls of the Lubyanka.

For this reason I would like to remind Mr Ignachenko, as the foam at his mouth washes the FSB clean of terrorist activity, of something that happened to me while I still was a member of that organization.

Since 1996 I held the post of the chief of the division engaged in the search for persons identified in the international search for terrorist activity. At that time documents from the Republic of Georgia obliging all member countries of Interpol were dispatched worldwide to assist the Georgian law enforcement bodies in the search for and detention of Igor Georgadze, who had organized an attempt on the life of the President of Georgia, Shevardnadze. Through operative sources I found out the exact location of this international terrorist, and immediately reported it to the chief of the operative-investigative directorate of the FSB, Lieutenant-General I.K. Mironov, offering to detain Georgadze for his subsequent extradition.

Having listened to my report, the general authoritatively declared that terrorist Georgadze was “ours" and that there was no need “to touch him". This was how I learned that there were “our” terrorists in the FSB and "another's". After all this we need to ask Putin and Co: Messrs security officers, please explain to the dull taxpayers: the leader of Al-Qaeda Bin Laden, who is he for you: “your” terrorist or "another's"? And are you sheltering him in the Lubyanka among other international terrorists and gangsters who are wanted worldwide.

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