Monday, April 11, 2005

Chechnya and Wales

Chechenpress reports that Chechens and the Welsh are the first to join "The Union of Small Nations of the World":

The Application of the ADS CRI and the CR

In spite of the fact that we are parted with language, geography, culture, and religion, we, representatives of the Chechen and Welsh people - on behalf of two organizations "The Assembly of Defense of Sovereignty of the CRI" (ADS CRI) and "Cymru Rydd" (CR), declare the beginning of cooperation and partnership in defending of independence of our people, and establishment of the organization "The Union of Small Nations of the World" (USNW).

The USNW rejects all forms of imperialism and colonialism. The necessity of such a Union is natural for identity of our purposes: a political fight for independence of small nations and people all over the world and for their right for this struggle.

The initiative of the USNW is aimed at achievement of equality of people, progress of Freedom and validity all over the world. The USNW is sure, that its initiative will become an important step for consolidation of all oppressed small people all over the world.

The USNW hopes to direct the partnership between small peoples into the channel of true friendship and trust. The new organization intends to achieve execution of the principles declared by the United Nations Organization fixed in the Charter of this organization. The USNW is guided with three items from the Charter of the United Nations, defining its activity:

1. Each nationality has the right for self-determination: the right to take their destiny into their own hands.

2. Each nation has the right for creation of an independent state.

3. No nation in the world has the right to impose its laws to another
nation and to interfere with its natural desire.

The ADS CRI and the CR declares the agreements concluded between the

1. The organizations protect the Sovereignty of the peoples, their
rights and cultures, from imperial aggression.

2. The organizations intend to render political, financial and
information help to each other in the common struggle against
imperialistic claims.

On behalf of the members of the USNW

The Head of the "Cymru Rydd" Chris Davis

The Head of the ADS CRI Sardali Ahmad

Information of the Chechenpress:

The Welsh are the people of the Celtic origin; they are the native
population of the Wales Peninsula (the Great Britain ). The Welsh total
about 900 thousand people. More than 100 thousand Welsh live in the USA,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand. They speak the Welsh language (of
the Celtic group); believers basically are adherents of the Anglican Church.

Chechenpress, the Department of operative information


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