Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Estonia and the EU

vm.ee reports that

according to a recent survey 70 per cent of election-age Estonian citizens are in favour of Estonia's membership in the European Union (EU); the support has been stable for the past five months.

The AS Emor poll carried out in March revealed that 70 per cent of the election-age citizens interviewed were in favour and 24 percent against Estonian membership in the EU, with five percent unable to take a stance.

The percentage of support for Estonia's membership in the EU has been stable since last November at 67-70 percent of election-age citizens.

Sixty-two percent of election-age citizens and 58 percent of all respondents had heard at least something about the EU constitutional treaty.

Television and newspapers are still regarded as the main sources of information about the treaty. The role of the radio as a source of information has slightly increased.

Forty-four percent of election-age citizens regard the treaty as useful. There are as many of those who are unable to say whether the treaty is beneficial or harmful for Estonia. Four percent of election-age citizens think the treaty is disadvantageous.

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