Monday, April 04, 2005


For those who doubt that Russia may be on the brink of some very strange transformations indeed, a look at the website of the International Eurasian Movement may be instructive. According to the website (information is from 2004), the members of the Higher Council of this organization include:

Troshev A.P. – vice speaker of the Russian Senate;

Aslahanov A.A-M. – the adviser of the President of the Russian Federation;

Margelov M.V. – the president of the Committee for International Affairs of the Russian Senate;

Kalyuzhny V.I. – vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia;

Tadjuddin T.S. – grand mufti of the Russian Federation;

Mitropolit .Andrian (Chetvergov) – the chief of Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church;

Sagalaev E.M. – the President of the National Association of Media;

Zagarishvili S.A. – Academician of the Russian Academy of Science;

Djumagulov A.D. – ex-prime-minister of the Kyrghystan Republic;

Chernychev A.S. – Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation;

Efimov N.N. –director of “Red Star” magazine, the official organ of Russian general Staff
"and," says the site, "many other highly distinguished personalities from different countries."

The aims and policies of the Movement are many and varied. To take just one example, here is a short extract from the section containing information on, among other things, military pacts:
The axial significance of the Russian Armed forces (and especially of their strategic sector) must entail the creation of a serial of military pacts, which are required to provide steadiness to the eurasist block along its strategically relevant borders. Major of these pacts is the Russian-Iranian military alliance, which for the first time in history could open to Russia an exit to the «warm seas», and allow the disposition of Russian strategic weapons on the southern shores of Eurasia. As Iran is strategically oriented against West domination and is guided world policy by eurasist priorities, objective reasons for such military do exist. In a medium term outlook just the Moscow-Teheran military axis is able to organise a strategic power space countering the West in the Near East, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia.

Among the Arab countries, military pacts must be concluded with Iraq, Syria and Libya, that will allow Eurasia to receive a major lever of control on the Mediterranean space.

In Eastern Europe a military pact with orthodox Serbia is relevant, and also it is desirable to neutralise (even better, to attract on our side) orthodox countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia etc.), contributing to their distancing from NATO.

Other major pact is the military alliance of Moscow with India and China. (Though it is hardly possible to hope for strong geopolitical ties with China, since between Moscow and Peking there are too many strategic contradictions, and in a critical situation China will probably act as a coast base of atlantism).

In a parallel way to the conclusion of military pacts within the framework of Eurasia, it is necessary to actively cooperate to splitting the unity of NATO countries, and to contribute to the strategic neutralisation of the Central-European region (more widely, of all Europe) and the Pacific region.

Very important to the conclusion of these strategic pacts will be to demonstrate, that the issue is not about the religious, ideological, political likeness of the participants of the Eurasist Block, but about unity of common purpose — the opposition to atlantist hegemony, to the autocratic establishing of US «new world order» and to the oligarchic «world government». Hence, any given military alliance pursues a defensive and, most important, liberation purpose, ensuring geopolitical conditions of sovereignty to all states and peoples before the planetary offensive of the mondialist pattern, which means depriving them of this sovereignty.

1 comment:

  1. The UK Eurasia Movement website says that

    The Eurasian Movement is fiercely opposed to the increasing power and influence of Americanisation, and therefore in defence of Tradition and Natural Order seeks to encourage an effective European-Asian bulwark against this imperialistic threat.

    Our ideal is one of geopolitical solidarity against Western Civilisation. Unlike those who support the neo-Capitalist or Faustian ethic of the West, we in the Eurasian Movement wish to hasten its decline and fall. In order to achieve this, we must promote revolution both on the periphery and at the very core of Capitalist power. In other words, we must aid those revolutionaries fighting on the Asian frontiers of exploitation, whilst simultaneously destroying Europe’s military and economic installations from within the heart of the Beast itself.

    We stand shoulder to shoulder with all opponents of America and the New World Order, whether it be the National-Bolsheviks of Russia, Islamic freedom fighters or the committed National-Anarchists of England and Germany. Ours is the struggle that will finally see the ancient links between Europe and Asia re-established. A conspiracy waged by the Kamikaze militant and the Chaos Magician, the knightly Templar and the Sufi mystic, the Samurai warrior and the practitioner of the Left-Hand Path.

    It's hard to take such rantings seriously - except when one reflects on how many highly-placed supporters the international movement seems to have in Russia, not only in the Duma but also in the government itself.
