Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Fighter for the Truth

10. 30pm
Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher paid tribute to Pope John Paul II as the greatest pope of the modern era.

"We should remember Pope John Paul II not just as the greatest Pope of modern times but also as a valiant fighter for the truth," she said.

He was the first Polish pontiff and the youngest of the 20th Century

"His life was a long struggle against the lies employed to excuse evil. By combating the falsehoods of communism and proclaiming the true dignity of the individual, his was the moral force behind victory in the Cold War.

"Millions owe him their freedom and self respect," Lady Thatcher added.

BBC News | UK

1 comment:

  1. His poetry also had a universal appeal, I think - though it's not as well-known as it might be. I've posted a link to some poems in English translation.
