Thursday, April 28, 2005

Prying on the Pope

Marius points me to an article in the Guardian by Monika Scislowska, from which it transpires that the priest in charge of caring for Polish pilgrims at the Vatican apparently collaborated with the communist secret police in the 1980s during the reign of Pope John Paul II:
An investigation into communist-era persecution of the Roman Catholic church in Poland turned up documents showing that the Rev. Konrad Stanislaw Hejmo, a Dominican, ``was a secret collaborator of the Polish secret services under the names of Hejnal and Dominik,'' said Leon Kieres, head of the state-run National Remembrance Institute that investigated Nazi and communist crimes in Poland.

Hejmo's Dominican superior, the Rev. Maciej Zieba, said he saw the files, which he termed ``convincing and shocking.''

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