Monday, April 18, 2005

Rice in Moscow

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is due to make a two-day visit to Moscow this week, starting tomorrow (her schedule also includes a stop in Lithuania, for a NATO meeting). Ahead of the visit, Reuters reports that
the former Soviet specialist will visit Moscow to shore up a deal meant to stop anti-American militants from stealing Russian nuclear material while stemming what her predecessor called Russia's democratic backsliding. With many Russians suspicious Washington wants to curb their country's development and influence abroad, Rice said she would stress the benefits for the Russian economy and its relations with the West if it improves its democratic record. "My message there will be that a democratic and vibrant and prosperous Russia is in everyone's interests," said Rice...
Not everyone is hopeful about the outcome of the Moscow meetings. Richard Lugar, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is quoted as saying: "Even as relations with Europe are improving, tensions continue in the U.S.-Russian relationship. Russia's retreat from democracy at home and its attempts to influence elections abroad have raised considerable concern..."
(via MAK)

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