Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Collodi War

An AP report gives an account of a new campaign launched by a Polish magazine, which has urged its readers to send Russian President Putin "a picture postcard depicting him as the long-nosed lying fairy tale character Pinocchio for presenting a 'Stalinist version of history'":
The Wprost weekly campaign comes amid a rise of anti-Russian sentiment in Poland, which was most recently stoked by Putin's speech May 9 in Red Square marking the end of the Second World War in Europe, in which he failed to condemn the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland as many had hoped.

In response, this week's issue of the magazine comes with a pre-addressed postcard that reads "With greetings for Putinocchio" above the computer-generated image.

On the other side, a brief text in Polish and Russian asks Putin to apologize for failing to condemn the 1939 secret Nazi-Soviet pact, which set the stage for the Second World War.

The card also said Poles felt humiliated that Putin thanked the Italian and German anti-fascist resistance but failed to mention the Polish sacrifice.

(via Marius)

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