Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Igor Sutyagin

from today's RFE/RL Newsline:

The Public Committee for the Defense of Scholars has sent an open letter to President Putin asking him to pardon political scientist Igor Sutyagin, who was convicted of espionage, Regnum reported on 14 June. Sutyagin was sentenced in April 2004 to 15 years in prison (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 29 April 2004). The appeal alleged that the entire case was "fabricated" and represented a "conscious compilation of accusations without evidence." The authors of the appeal also reported that Sutyagin received information in recent months that a pardon was possible if he admitted his guilt, but that "Sutyagin, naturally, has refused to acknowledge his nonexistent guilt" (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 25 March 2005). This is the second such appeal sent to the president, Regnum reported. The first -- sent in the fall of 2004 -- reportedly received no response from the president. JAC

Update: The Russian text of the letter can be read here.

It's possible to send Igor Sutyagin a postcard of support to the camp where he is imprisoned. The address is:

Russian Federation
427965 Republic of Udmurtia
ul. Raskolnikova 53 "A"
YaCh-91/5 section 14
SUTYAGIN Igor Vyacheslavovich
(It's important that the full name be written on the postcard)

427965 Республика Удмуртия
г. Сарапул
ул. Раскольникова, 53 "А"
ЯЧ-91/5 14 отряд
СУТЯГИНУ Игорю Вячеславовичу

(via Andy)

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