Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Official statements by the Russian authorities about Sunday's train blast are changing almost hour by hour. Interfax reports that
Experts said that the bomb used in Sunday's railway explosion and the improvised explosive device used in the attack on Russian national power monopoly UES CEO Anatoly Chubais were somewhat identical.

The experts said that terrorists behind the train bombing had acted unprofessionally.

The investigation is now trying to establish whether the explosion was staged by inexperienced terrorists or it was a professional demolitionist who faked a lack of knowledge to delude investigators,one of the experts told Interfax.

"My feeling is that one of the terrorists was reading an Internet printout from a "Cook Book for Terrorists" and the second terrorist was assembling a bomb based on the printout," he said.

"All components of the explosive device have now been sent for an examination," the expert said.
Then there's another version:

MOSCOW. June 14 (Interfax) - Investigators think Sunday's bombing of a train near Moscow was most likely the work of "Islamic terrorist groups or nationalistic Caucasus groups or members of pro-fascist extremist organizations," the Moscow region prosecutor's office said on Tuesday.
Via chechnya-sl

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