Thursday, July 07, 2005

Back to the Past

Moscow's latest statement on the Russia-Estonia border agreement has a distinctly creepy tone. Now Poland is being targeted by rhetoric that's becoming almost Stalinesque in its innuendo and cynicism:
Commentary of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia in connection with the statements of the President of the Republic of Poland A. Kwasniewski regarding the Russian- Estonian Border Treaty


In Moscow the statements made on his visit to Estonia by the President of the Republic of Poland A. Kwasniewski in support of Tallinn "in all questions concerning the border", including "the dispute connected with the border treaty with Russia", and also his calls to the European Union to intervene in the negotiation process between Russia and Estonia. By doing so, the Polish leader showed solidarity with the possibility of the advancement by Tallinn of territorial claims on Russia, which, as is known, in the context of the recent resolution of the Estonian parliament became the reason for Russia’s revoking its signature to the border agreements with Estonia.

In Poland of all places it must be well known that to call into question the presently existing boundaries in Europe would open a "Pandora's box". Especially because, whether anyone in Warsaw likes it or not, it was precisely our country which ensured that Poland for the first time in recent history would obtain internationally recognized and secure borders, and would not experience territorial claims on the part of its neighbours.

In Moscow, naturally, attention is focused on Poland’s activity in the post-Soviet space. However, in its relations with its neighbours, including Estonia, Russia does not require the services of mediators, including those from Warsaw.

We would also like to note that hitherto the European Union has had no territorial problems with Russia, and we hope that these will not be artificially created.

6 July 2005

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