Saturday, July 23, 2005

Beslan: Kulayev Trial Continues

Kommersant's day-by-day reporting of the trial of Nurpashi Kulayev continues. An excerpt from the latest report (my tr.):
25 year-old Zarina Pukhayeva said that among the terrorists on the second day after the seizure of the school she saw a woman of Slav appearance, "not a shakhidka". She told the investigation about this.

"She had a rifle, and she was obviously a sniper. Her blond hair was in a ponytail. I didn't see again after that, not even in the photographs of the killed fighters.

"If I have understood you correctly, you saw this woman on the second day (after the school was seized - K.)?", Judge Aguzarov asked.

"Yes, she wasn't there any more after that."

"Kulayev, did you see this woman?" the presiding judge asked, turning to him.

"No, I didn't. But they told me about her in the "sixth department" (the Interior Ministry [MVD] department dealing with the fight against organized crime) said, and the investigators also talked about her.

"Was she in the vehicle with you?"


"I also wanted to say that there were more than 32 fighters there," Pukhayeva said. "I mean, there were two fighters standing by each window."

(via chechnya-sl)

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