Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Maskhadov's Death

Russian Prosecutor Fails to Explain Chechen President Maskhadov’s Death

The Special Working Group on the case of CRI President Aslan Maskhadov states that, in response to an inquiry from Maskhadov’s relatives, the General Prosecutor`s Office of Russia produced only a copy of the record of the death of Aslan Maskhadov, authorised by the prosecutor’s stamp.

The refusal of the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office to produce official medical evidence of the cause of death suggests either that they do not know how President Aslan Maskhadov died or that they are deliberately concealing this information from the public.

We would like to point out that even the copy of the record of death was drawn up with some crude violations of Russian Federation laws:

1. The form says that the record of Aslan Maskhadov’s death was drawn up on 6 June 2005, but the form was issued on 2 June 2005, four days before the record was drawn up.

2. According to Russian law, a record of death is drawn up within three days of a death, but Aslan Maskhadov’s record was drawn up three months after his demise.

3. The place of his birth has been left blank, although the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Russian law-enforcement agencies know full well where Aslan Maskhadov was born.

4. The form’s serial number is obscured by the stamp of the General Prosecutor`s Office of Russia and it is impossible to make it out.

If the law-enforcement agencies make so many mistakes (or falsifications?) in such a simple document, it is not difficult to imagine the quality of their investigation into the circumstances of Aslan Maskhadov’s death, an investigation whose results have been described by the authorities as authoritative.

The decision to set up the Special Working Group was taken after CRI President Aslan Maskhadov’s death.


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