Sunday, July 24, 2005

Vostok Was In Borozdinovskaya


The "Vostok" Battalion really was in Borozdinovsk

RUSSIA, Moscow. According to a statement by the "Social verdict" foundation on 21 July an informed source from the Republic of Chechnya has put a photocopy of an official police document, relating to what occurred at the village of Borozdinovsk on 4 June, at the disposal of the Nizhegorodsk committee against torture, which is conducting a public investigation which took place there.

As a result of an attack in Borozdinovsk several homes were burnt down, several inhabitants were injured, and 11 people went missing.

On 20 July the Committee Against Torture received an official copy of the duty section of the Interior Ministry of Chechnya's communication records from the communication record book No. 535 of the 5 June 2005 (registered at 20.15). The document states that "On 05.06.2005 a message was received by the duty section of the Interior Ministry from the Shelkovsk Regional Department of the Interior Ministry that on 04.06.2005 in the period from 15.00 until 20.30 the "Vostok" battalion of the Ministry of Defence numbering between 70 and 80 people carried out a special operation in Borozdinovsk. During the operation to arrest or eliminate members of illegally armed groups the battalion, moving in 2 armoured personnel carriers, three armoured "Ural" cars, 6 - 8 trucks, and cars, arrested inhabitants of the village of Borozdinovsk on suspicion of committing crimes".

There then followed a list of 11 surnames of missing people and an indication that while special operations were being conducted in the village for reasons unknown a fire broke out in the village, which caused fatalities. The circumstances behind these deaths are being established. The 11 people who in the official version were reported as missing were, in the communications report, detained in order to check their details with an Interior Ministry database. This document also states that their names did not appear in this database and confirms that all the material had been handed over to the prosecutor's office.

News agency PRIMA-News [2005-07-21-Rus-06]

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