Thursday, August 18, 2005

Basayev - Putin's Accomplice

- I have no sympathy for Basayev. I do not consider him to be a victim. He is more like a puppet of Russian politics. He served with the FSB in Georgia, got money from the Executive Committee in his time from Yeltsin, then from Putin, and particularly from Berezovsky. He served as the spark that enabled Putin to unleash the second Chechen war and today he is helping him in the most monstrous way to turn the face of Chechnya in the world into the face of a blood-thirsty monster.

I think that he is working for Putin (whether this is voluntary or not, I don’t know). If he isn’t working of his own volition, which is quite possible, then it shows how incompetent he is. If he is working of his own volition then this has to be the limit. The Beslan terrorist act served Putin as an excuse to silence all his critics in the democratic west as far as his policy in Chechnya is concerned. This is the best thing that he could have done for Putin through the inhuman taking of hostages. I think that if Putin has an ally, it is Basayev.

- André Glucksmann

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