Friday, September 02, 2005

Beslan: Dudiyeva Statement

On her return to North Ossetia from Moscow, Susanna Dudiyeva, the head of the Beslan Mothers' Committee, has made a public statement about the results of the meeting that took place today between President Putin and the mothers' representatives. From the transcript of the statement issued by Ekho Moskvy at 01.00 on September 3 (my tr.):
He said that he will investigate everything. We said that at each stage of the crime, beginning with the crossing of the border, the seizure of the school, the work of the operational headquarters - there are people who are responsible, people who are to blame. We brought to his notice the guilt of individual leaders of the operational headquarters for one action or another or for inaction. He said that he will investigate, he will ask for information, will show a personal interest, and he assured us that those who are guilty will be punished.

Tomorrow (on Saturday - September 3) the President must say something very important. Let us wait for tomorrow.

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