Saturday, September 17, 2005


Nine months after the Beslan school siege, pro-Russian Chechen soldiers staged a raid on this tiny village on the border with Dagestan, populated mostly by ethnic Dagestanis.

It was one of the most public abuses committed by the increasing number of Chechen militants serving under the pro-Moscow local government's banner.

They are broadly known as "Kadyrovtsi", after their leader, strongman and vice prime minister Ramzan Kadyrov. The raid resulted in 11 men being led away. They have not been heard of since.

One was Izaket Umarova's son, Murtuz, 18. "Six soldiers came into our home," she said. "They asked me what republic I was from. I said 'Chechnya', and they let me go. Murtuz ran to the mosque, but they got him. If my son is dead, will they please give me the body so I can bury him."

Nick Paton Walsh, writing in the Guardian. Read the whole thing.

Also in this blog: Borozdinovskaya

Borozdinovskaya - II

Borozdinovskaya - III

Borozdinovskaya - IV

Vostok was in Borozdinovskaya

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