Saturday, September 03, 2005

President Putin Promised To Repent...

Radiostantsiya Ekho Moskvy

Glavnye Novosti [Main News]

22:57 03.09.2005 [my tr.]

Vladimir Putin promised the Mothers of Beslan that he would repent, but he certainly did not justify their hopes. As "Moscow Echo" has learned, the meeting of the President with the relatives of the victims of last year's act of terror ended with an understanding that the Head of State would today make a special address to the people of Russia. "He told us that he would select the necessary words, but it turns out that he could not bring himself to do that," participants of the meeting told Moscow Echo's special correspondent in Beslan. Furthermore, they explained the words of the head of the committee of the Mothers, Susanna Dudiyeva, "Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are with you". As it was explained, this phrase, spread about the President's plenipotentiary in the South Dmitriy Kozak, was pulled out of context. "In reality, we assured the President that the Russian people will be with him if he repents," said those interviewed by the correspondent.

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