Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Via Jeremy Putley at global geopolitics:

Interfax: Patrushev slams U.S., UK for harboring "Chechen separatists"

MOSCOW. Jan 17 (Interfax) - Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)Director Nikolai Patrushev has criticized the United Kingdom and the U.S. for providing asylum to people seen by Moscow as Chechen separatists and for their refusal to extradite them to Russia.

"Providing terrorists and their accomplices and sponsors with shelter and support justifies and encourages their crimes. Such steps undermine unity and mutual trust between the members of the antiterrorist coalition," Patrushev said in an interview due to be published in Rossiiskaya Gazeta on Wednesday.

War Crimes Suspect Ratko Mladic In Russia - Report

BELGRADE (AP)--A Belgrade newspaper Wednesday said Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect Gen. Ratko Mladic is in Russia and negotiations are under way on how to extradite him to the U.N. war crimes tribunal in the Netherlands.

The report, citing an unnamed source, said Mladic left Serbia in May as Western pressure intensified on the Balkan republic to hand over the fugitive, indicted for atrocities during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia.

"Secret talks and visits are under way between Belgrade and Moscow officials on whether Mladic should be handed over to the (U.N.) tribunal from Moscow or if he should be discretely transferred to Serbia first" and then sent to the U.N. court in The Hague, the source was quoted as saying.

Officials in Belgrade said they couldn't immediately comment on the report.

Serbia's bid to join the European Union could be in jeopardy if it fails to bring Serbs indicted by the U.N. war crimes court face justice.

The Serbian government claims Mladic's whereabouts are unknown and several attempts to locate him were futile. The chief U.N. war crimes prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, has accused Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica of deliberately stalling Mladic's extradition.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

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