Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Via Rescue Chechnya: Dmitrievsky Appeal

Russian Defender Faces Prison: Your Support Needed Now!

On February 3, a Russian court will decide whether human rights activist Stanislav Dmitrievsky committed a crime when he published articles calling for peace in Chechnya. If he is convicted, not only could he face up to five years in prison, but a dangerous precedent will be set for all Russians - including human rights defenders and independent journalists - who exercise their right to question and criticize government policies.

This is a critical moment in Russia as a conviction would have a chilling effect on open public debate nationwide. Please support Mr. Dmitrievsky and take a stand against the further erosion of human rights in Russia.

Recent developments indicate that this trial is part of a concerted campaign against independent organizations in Russia.

Earlier this week, several well-respected human rights groups were falsely accused of accepting money from British secret services (read our statement below). On January 10, President Vladimir Putin signed into effect a harsh new law that gives government agencies power to close non-governmental organizations under vague terms.

Human rights activists in Russia are asking for our support. Please take action and tell a friend about this case.

Click Here to Take Action

Click here to learn more about the case of Stanislav Dmitrievsky

Human Rights First Condemns False Accusations against Russian Human Rights Organizations


About Rescue Chechnya

The Canadian Committee for Peace in Chechnya aims to create a broad base of members with diverse backgrounds; no special knowledge about Chechnya or experience of any sort are required.

You can get involved as much as you want, from simply receiving our email updates to signing petitions, from learning about Chechnya to organizing events and fundraisers, starting a local group. We believe that our strength lies in numbers, especially when it comes to influencing government decision-making related to Chechnya.


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