Monday, February 13, 2006

World Chechnya Day

From: World Chechnya Day <>

Dear Friends,

On Thursday 23rd February 2006 individuals and organisations around the world will commemorate World Chechnya Day. The Day will be a means of bringing together organisations and individuals sympathetic to the people of Chechnya and their historic tribulations. In particular the Day is intended to raise awareness of the genocide that occured in 1944 when Stalin deported the entire Chechen people.

Sixty two years ago, on 23 February 1944, Stalin ordered the forcible deportation of the Chechen, Ingush and other nations of the NorthCaucasus to Central Asia. More than half of the people who were to be forcibly transported died in transit or in massacres committed by Soviet troops. Those who survived the journey were left facing starvation and disease in the harsh winters of Siberia and Central Asia. In 2004 the European Parliament passed a motion formally recognising this tragedy as a genocide.

World Chechnya Day is being commemorated to:

* Recognise the suffering and genocide of the Chechen people as a
human catastrophe of historic significance
* Respect all victims of Stalinist deportations
* Raise awareness and understanding of the Chechen genocide as an
issue of importance to humanity
* Ensure that the horrendous crimes, racism and victimisation that
were committed during the Chechen genocide will never be forgotten
or repeated, in Europe or elsewhere in the world
* Reflect on contemporary atrocities that raise similar issues
* Educate subsequent generations about the genocide and the
continued relevance of the lessons that can be learnt from it
* Assert a continuing commitment to oppose racism, victimisation and
* Support shared aspirations for the ideals of justice, security,
dignity and peace for all

To learn more about World Chechnya Day, its history, its supporters and
other events taking place worldwide, please visit: <>. The website
is intended to be a portal for Chechnya commemoration events worldwide.
Also attached is an overview document on the Day.

How can you help?
Organise Event
We are encouraging people and organisations all around the world to
organise film showings and talks locally, to sell and wear the World
Chechnya Day wristbands and, generally, to raise awareness of the Day
and the issues concerned.

If you are already commemorating the Deportations in any way then we
would be grateful if you could let us know by submitting details online

If you are interested in participating, then please feel free to contact
us at <> for
documentaries, speeches, wristbands and any other support you may require.

Buy a wrist band
Please do submit any events you organise locally on the WCD events page, as
If you should be interested in purchasing World Chechnya Day wristbands
(£1/wristband), please email us at
<> with the number of wristbands you
require, your contact number and the delivery address. Please follow
this shortly with a cheque or postal order made payable to 'Save
Chechnya Campaign' of the correct amount, sent to 'Save Chechnya
Campaign, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, UK WC1N 3XX'.

Translate World Chechnya Day Document
We are translating the attached document into as many languages as
possible to publish on the World Chechnya Day website. Currently we are
still seeking translations into the following languages:

* Greek
* Hindi
* Italian
* Japanese
* Korean
* Persian/Farsi
* Portugese
* Spanish
* Swedish

The translation should be of high literary standard and will be checked
prior to publishing.

Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from many of you very soon,

World Chechnya Day
...a day that few are aware of and yet none should forget...

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