Sunday, March 05, 2006

Stopping the Virus - III

The anger felt by students and staff at Leeds University about Frank Ellis shows no sign of dying down:
In a row that has reignited the debate on the limits of freedom of speech, Frank Ellis, a lecturer in Russian and Slavonic studies, sparked anger after stating, in an interview with the university's student newspaper, that he was an 'unrepentant Powellite' who thought that the BNP was 'a bit too socialist' for his liking.

Ellis said he supported right-wing ideas such as the Bell Curve theory, which held that white people were more intelligent than black people. '[It] has demonstrated to me beyond any reasonable doubt there is a persistent gap in average black and white average intelligence.' Repatriation would get his support, he added, if it was done 'humanely'.
Almost unbelievably, Ellis is the author of an academic study of Vasily Grossman.

See also in this blog: Stopping the Virus
Stopping the Virus - II

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