Monday, March 20, 2006

Waiting in Minsk

Echo of Moscow (EM) - a prominent pro-democracy radio station and website based in the Russian Federation, but with correspondents in Belarus - reports at 21:32 that the opposition rally in the centre of Minsk has heard a demand by Alexander Kozulin for new presidential elections to be held in July. Kozulin read out a "Declaration in the name of the Belarusian people".

EM says that the document also contains demands for the release of political detainees, and the establishment of an electoral commission with participaton of the opposition.

The EM correspondent estimates the number of demonstrators on the square at between 4,000 and 5,000 - slightly down on yesterday's figure. So far the police have not made any attempt to break up the meeting.

Alexander Milinkevich has called on the protestors to make the rally a permanent one

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