Monday, May 08, 2006

BBC Belarusian broadcasts - III

br23 blog in Minsk has commented on the reply I received to my letter to Douglas Alexander on the subject of Belarusian language broadcasts on the BBC. As the blog points out, the reply did evade the central issue almost completely.

Just for the record, here is the letter I wrote:
To: Douglas Alexander MP

Dear Mr Alexander,

I note from a report in the Belarusian service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty that the BBC has no plans to institute a Belarusian language service. While I'm aware that the BBC has recently had to make cutbacks in its foreign-language broadcasting, it seems to me that in the currently changing political climate in Eastern Europe a Belarusian component in the Russian/Ukrainian language service would be an important source of information and support for a Belarusian opposition that is increasingly threatened by the authoritarian government of Alexander Lukashenko.

I hope that the BBC might consider the addition of Belarusian to its Russian and Ukrainian language broadcasts.

Best regards,

David McDuff
See also: BBC Belarusian broadcasts - II
BBC Belarusian broadcasts

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