Friday, May 19, 2006

Mikael Storsjö Radio Interview

Kavkaz Center has published a transcript in English of a Swedish-language radio interview given to Sveriges Radio by Finland-Swedish businessman Mikael Storsjö. As Norbert Strade points out at chechnya-sl, the translation is fairly accurate, though it contains some odd mistakes and alterations - such as the substitution of "Islamic" for "Islamist", and "so-called separatists" for "separatists". However, as a background to the recent seizure of the KC servers by Swedish police, the English-language interview is worth reading - and comparing, if one understands Swedish, with the original. There are also short interviews with Swedish police officials.

Update May 23: Mikael Storsjö has now made clear that the translation is his own. The errors were his, and were not deliberate.

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