Monday, July 10, 2006

Basayev's Death May Have Been an Accident - II

From one of the very first Interfax reports of the Ekazhevo explosion, in which Shamil Basayev was killed:

Jul 10 2006 9:45AM
Ingushetia's Security Department told Interfax that a KamAz truck carrying militants, exploded in a self-induced blast.

"The incident occurred at about midnight. The bodies of four militants were discovered at the scene of the explosion," it said.

Two bodies were identified as those of warlords Tarkhan Ganizhev and Isa Kushtov, a Security Department spokesman said.

The truck had been filled with weapons, ammunition and explosive substances intended to stage high-impact subversive and terror attacks in the North Caucasus," the department said.

The blast is believed to have been caused by careless handling of ammunition and explosive substances.

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